
03 May 2010

La plage encore, avec photos

Still not in France, but I'm communicating frequently with the au pair over there, Lauren.  She's great.  

So I won't inundate the blog with posts before I get to France, but I did want to share a few pictures from my trip to the beach.  The water was rough, speaking of inundation, and people weren't supposed to be in the waters.  Of course it was great for the surfers.  Made me wish I still knew how to surf.  I'll go again tomorrow, and see if I can get some more pictures.  I want to keep going until they won't let us anymore.

I actually stole one of the surfer's water bottle to put some of the beach water and sand in there.  Somewhere out there is a dehydrated surfer, and I'm sorry.  


arielle said...

I can't wait to read about your first trip abroad. You have chosen one of the very best place in the world for your first time out of the country. It sounds like you've done your research and found a good family to work for. Best of luck. I need your number, a new baby sitter is always welcome.

Anna said...

I definitely have found a wonderful family. I'm glad you'll be reading. I emailed you my address. Feel free to forward it to any friends who are in need of a babysitter, as well.

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